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The latest updates of
White Rabbit Theatre

Down and Up and Down Again
I think we can all agree it’s been a roller coaster year. And although the year is almost over, and there’s a distant light at the end of...

Home From the Fringe, But Not Done Yet!!
Here we are, on the other side, and we all made it out alive. It's been six days since we closed the show at the Fringe and this weekend...

Preview Weekend Over - Bring On Opening Night!
It's Monday morning. We have made it through our weekend of previews. There were a few bumps, of course, but hopefully nothing the...

We've made it. After so much work and talk, we are finally here, and I can't quite believe it. Of course, the work isn't over yet, but...

7 On - 1 Off - 7On
And here we go. Last week, due to people still finishing up work etc. our rehearsals were intermittent, but starting Sunday, we have...

One Month (and One Day) Left!
First and foremost, I would like to officially welcome Bouqui Stautmeister to the White Rabbit team as our Head of Publicity. Bouqui has...

Fringe Programme Now Available!!
Look what arrived in the mail! You can order a programme for free (you just have to pay shipping) or you can download your free copy...

It's Up and Running
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe ticket sales are a go. You can see our page here and you can see all the shows that will be playing here....

A Venue and a Reading
I have TWO announcements!! FIRST, we have a venue! We officially have a spot at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019. We will be performing...

Project #2 - Edinburgh Fringe 2019!!!
So, here it is, Project #2. We are planning to take The Gospel According to Thomas Jefferson, Charles Dickens and Count Leo Tolstoy:...
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