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The latest updates of
White Rabbit Theatre

Happy Summer
Summer is finally here and it seems the weather is starting to realize that too. Our Summer Workshop sessions are just about ready to go...

Spring into Summer!
Our spring workshops are done and dusted, and we've got some announcements to make. First and foremost, thank you so much to those who...

Less Than a Week Left
There are only a few more days to register for one of our three workshop courses. We still have a few spots left in Intro to Acting, as...

2024 Season at a Glance
Everyone who knows theatre, knows that it's a living art form. So too is the season of a grassroots theatre company. But here is what...

Show Week!
It's officially show week! Thank you so much to those who came out for Opening Night, we are extremely happy with how it went and can't...

LAMDA And More
Hello everyone. I can't believe it's nearly the end of May already! So it's time for a few updates. First, a huge congratulations to our...

Calling Directors!
Happy Spring! Can you believe it's April already? Our film workshop with Seamus McNally is finished and was a great success (photos...

Workshop Update
Hi everyone, Just a quick update on how things are progressing in case you're still interested in signing up for one of our spring...

Tickets On Sale!
It's summer time, the weather is warm and the evenings are bright. And we've got some great new summer time announcements! Our first...

Fall 2021 Workshops -Now Open
We are very pleased to announce our new round of workshops will be starting at the beginning of October! We are offering: - Character...

New Workshops for the Spring!
We are back with new workshops starting at the beginning of May. We're happy to say some old favourites from last year have gotta a...

New Dates!! (Again)
Hello everyone, I hope you are all still healthy and happy and trying to live as normally as possible, given the circumstances. It's hard...

Down and Up and Down Again
I think we can all agree it’s been a roller coaster year. And although the year is almost over, and there’s a distant light at the end of...

The Play is Cast!
No restrictions are keeping us down! Hitler's Tasters has officially been cast: Hilda - Laura Sophia Becker Liesel - Amy Amstutz Anna -...

Hitler's Tasters Auditions Are Ready To Go!
We're back! As promised, over the weekend we have been working hard to put together all the info you'll need for the Hitler's Tasters...

Audition Notice!
Hallo Leute! I hope everyone is well. It's been a little while since I last wrote but things have quietly and tentatively been moving...

See What's on Offer!
Hello! I hope everyone is having a good week and staying safe and sane whilst still largely indoors. It's been quite rainy here this...

The New Look is Here!
Like everyone else, we've been stuck at home, with very little to do. And like most small companies, we've been trying to find ways to...

Our Second Workshop - Musical Theatre!
Hi everyone, First and foremost, I hope everyone is healthy and happy and keeping their spirits up during this difficult time. We are...

No More Cabin Fever!
Everyone's playing in the garden. Except Mona. Mona has Corona. This little poem was passed on to me yesterday. Someone having a little...
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