So here it is. I promised in my last post that there would be two upcoming announcements. The first one is ... this spring, White Rabbit Theatre Company will be offering some scene study and character coaching workshops here in Zurich.
Over the last few years, I have been talking to several people who have noted that, whilst there are several ongoing acting programs in Zurich and Winterthur for children, such as Simply Theatre, Close Encounters and The Practice Room there is almost nothing for adults. I have thought long and hard about that and decided that White Rabbit would like to offer some workshops and coaching sessions. Initially we are offering sessions for scene study as well as coaching on the development of a character, but we are open to suggestions if there's something in particular you'd like to explore.
These workshops will range from large group (12), small group (6) and individual sessions, and anything from those just starting out in acting, those veterans who want to brush up on some skills and keep things fresh, all the way to those who don't consider themselves "actors" and are just looking for something fun and new to do with a group of friends!
We've been building a new website dedicated to the workshops, which you can find here. This is just a soft opening of the website, so most of the links are not yet live. There will be a hard release of the website, when everything is up and running, once the workshops have been finalized.

And on that note, at the link below you will find a very short survey. If you're interested in a workshop, or just interested in finding out a little more, please head to the survey and click around (it takes less than 2 minutes, I promise). The purpose is just to give us an idea of what people are interested in, before finalizing our workshops. Also, please feel free to forward this survey on to others you think would be interested. It will be open for two weeks, while we collect data.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to get in touch!