Hello everyone. I can't believe it's nearly the end of May already!
So it's time for a few updates.
First, a huge congratulations to our LAMDA students. They received their grades earlier this week and have all passed, earning either Merit or Distinction level (the two highest levels). This round, all our LAMDA students were working towards (and have no successfully earned) their Silver Medals, with the examiner feeding back about the "spell binding performance" of one particular actor (well done Milly!).

If you are interested in participating in our next round of LAMDA exams, we will start advertising in June for our Summer session, which will run July - September, so look out for that.
Second, we would like to welcome Neil to the White Rabbit family. Neil will be directing the October production of The Shape of Things and we will be announcing auditions for that in the coming weeks.
And finally, the time is running out for the film workshop with Eric Reis. The deadline to register is by the end of the day on Friday, June 16 so make sure you don't delay too much longer. If you have questions about the workshop, the cost or the deadline, feel free to get in contact. To read more about the workshop itself and how to register, visit our Workshops page.
Lots of things are happening and it's going to be a great theatre summer!